This activity-usually called "lobbying" is, in spite of the enormous prejudices that often surround it, a participatory democratic tool rooted in the principles established by the Italian Constitution.
John Marston writes: "In a democratic government there is no doubt that there is a right of a business or interest group to present its problem before the legislative body".
At a time when political parties are going through a crisis of representativeness and closeness to the problems of all categories of citizens, at a time when reality is becoming more and more complex, it is necessary to take note that the Public Decision-Maker (Parliament, Regions, Provinces, Public Administrations in general) "cannot do everything", but must listen to civil society and its Representatives.
The activity of Representation of interests, participating in the decision-making process in the most absolute, categorical respect for Legality and Roles, allows those with interests to promote the adoption of a legislative or administrative measure, participating in the decision-making process through information on existing problems and their most correct and desirable solutions.
VEF & Partners makes available to its Clients the experience gained during its now decades-long history of relationships with institutions and institutional assignments, along with the rigorous and scientific approach to problems, to find solutions, helping to raise awareness, inform and create the consensus necessary to lead the Public Decision-Maker to adopt the most appropriate measures.